TeGViz. Distributed Tera-scale Graph Generation and Visualization.
  2. How can we generate and visualize tera-scale graphs efficiently? Graph generation and visualization are used in graph mining research with various applications including simulation, sampling/extrapoloation, and graph understanding.
    We proposes TegViz, a distributed Tera-scale graph generation and visualization software. It consists of two modules:

    (1) The graph generation module Teg generates a wide range of graphs including Erdos-R'enyi random graph and realistic graphs including R-MAT and Kronecker directly on distributed systems.

    (2) The visualization module Net-Ray summarizes graphs using spy plot, distribution plot, and correlation plot to find regularities and anomalies effectively and makes it easy to understand generated graphs.
    TeGViz provides:

    > Tera-scale graph generation

    > Fast generation using distributed systems

    > Visualization of Tera-scale graph

  3. II. CODE
  4. We implemented TeGViz on top of Hadoop.

    Currently, TeGViz supports:

    - Random graph generator

    - R-MAT graph generator

    - Kronecker graph generator

    - Visualization of Tera-scale graph with spy plot, distribution plot, and correlation plot

    The binary of TeGViz is available. You can download it here.
  6. TeGViz: Distributed Tera-Scale Graph Generation and Visualization.
    ByungSoo Jeon, Inah jeon, U Kang
    15th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2015, Atlantic City, USA.
    [PDF] [BIBTEX]
  8. The following figure shows the performance of our propsosed graph generator,TeG.
    Comparison of the running time between TeG and existing graph generators. The label 'O.O.M.' means 'Out Of Memory'. In R-MAT and random graph, existing generators run out of memory when the numbers of edges are beyond 10^6 and 10^7 each, respectively, while TeG continues to run. Also, our Kronecker graph generator runs beyond 10^7. Note that TeG generates up to 16384x larger graphs than existing generators.
  10. VI. PEOPLE
  11. ByungSoo Jeon (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
    U Kang (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)

Last Update: Oct 26, 2015