
Data Information

This data set contains 10,000,054 ratings and 95,580 tags applied to 10,681 movies by 71567 users of the online movie recommender service MovieLens. Users were selected at random for inclusion. All users selected had rated at least 20 movies. Unlike previous MovieLens data sets, no demographic information is included. Each user is represented by an id, and no other information is provided. The data are contained in three files, movies.dat, ratings.dat and tags.dat. Also included are scripts for generating subsets of the data to support five-fold cross-validation of rating predictions. More details about the contents and use of all these files follows. This and other GroupLens data sets are publicly available for download at GroupLens Data Sets.

Data Statistics
Mode Tensor3
Movie-Genre Matrix 2
Movie-Year Matrix 2
Dimension Tensor 71,567 * 10,681 * 157
Movie-Genre Matrix 10,681 * 20
Movie-Year Matrix 10,681 * 94
Nonzero Tensor 10,000,054
Movie-Genre Matrix 21,564
Movie-Year Matrix 10,681
Format Tensor <User> <Movie> <Year-Month>
Movie-Genre Matrix <Movie> <Genre>
Movie-Year Matrix <Movie> <Year>



  author = {Inah Jeon, Byungsoo Jeon and U Kang},
  title = {BigTensor},
  year = {2015},
  url = {}


File Description
MovieLens.tar.gz MovieLens dataset